The Knights was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works.
Band of Brothers
1st Tuesday and 3rd Friday of every month
All men are welcome to join us as we read and discuss the upcoming Sunday readings. Fun way to dive deeper into the Sunday readings (we have a few questions to get us started).
Come and meet other Catholic men for fellowship and to grow in your faith.
RSVP and we'll message you the address!
Come and meet other Catholic men for fellowship and to grow in your faith.
RSVP and we'll message you the address!
Thank you to all of our knights and their families for giving their time and talents!
Thank you to all of the knights that make our programs and events fun! Thank you to all of those who have donated and attended. Your donations make a difference in the community! |
2024-2025 Officers
Grand Knight - Brian Clements
Financial Secretary - Dan Kusilek Deputy Grand Knight - Brian LaFleur Chancellor - Jeff Smith Recorder - Emil Meindl Treasurer - Joe Melde Advocate - Patrick Barlow Warden - Jeff Reiter Inside Guard - Tom Hundt Outside Guard - John Frei II Trustee - Fred Lanzel Trustee - Joe La Mere Trustee - Dave Hawes |
Back Row (left to right): Joe La Mere, Fred Lanzel, John Frei II, Tom Hundt, Joe Melde, Dan Kusilek
Front Row (left to right): Dave Hawes, Brian Clements, Emil Meindl |
KC Fundraisers/Events
Adopt-A-Highway- Knights and their families volunteer to clean a 2-mile segment on CTH HD starting at the intersection of McHugh road to the Trempealeau overpass at USH 53 intersection. There are approximately 4 cleanups per year.
Band of Brothers - This is a monthly event where we get together to discuss the Sunday readings for the upcoming weekend . Come and meet some men and grow in your faith.
KC State Bowling Tournament- This is an event open to all KC members. The tournament is held in a different location each year and usually runs from Feb - April. Teams must be registered by mid-December each year.
Kornfest Breakfast- This breakfast is held in conjunction with Holmen's Kornfest.
Kornfest Fun Run -This event is the councils largest event each year. There is a 10k and 2 mile run along with a 2 mile walk. Approximately 150-200 runners register for this event each year.
Poster Contest- The council sponsors a Christmas poster contest for the elementary grades of religious education.
Scholarships- Each year, the council awards 1-2 $500 scholarships to graduating seniors.
State Charity Raffle The largest state-wide charity raffle of any organization - Tickets are usually due mid-April of each year.
Helping People with Intellectual Disabilities Drive-This is a major charity fundraiser to assist those with intellectual disabilities in the Coulee Region. This is an annual event around the end of April.
Free Throw Contest- This is an annual event held in the January time frame and is open for 9-14 year old boys and girls. Winners from each boys and girls age group compete to progress to the District and State levels.
Soccer Challenge- This is an annual event held in the August time frame and is open for 9-14 year old. Winners from each boys and girls age group compete to progress to the District and State levels.
Adopt-A-Highway- Knights and their families volunteer to clean a 2-mile segment on CTH HD starting at the intersection of McHugh road to the Trempealeau overpass at USH 53 intersection. There are approximately 4 cleanups per year.
Band of Brothers - This is a monthly event where we get together to discuss the Sunday readings for the upcoming weekend . Come and meet some men and grow in your faith.
KC State Bowling Tournament- This is an event open to all KC members. The tournament is held in a different location each year and usually runs from Feb - April. Teams must be registered by mid-December each year.
Kornfest Breakfast- This breakfast is held in conjunction with Holmen's Kornfest.
Kornfest Fun Run -This event is the councils largest event each year. There is a 10k and 2 mile run along with a 2 mile walk. Approximately 150-200 runners register for this event each year.
Poster Contest- The council sponsors a Christmas poster contest for the elementary grades of religious education.
Scholarships- Each year, the council awards 1-2 $500 scholarships to graduating seniors.
State Charity Raffle The largest state-wide charity raffle of any organization - Tickets are usually due mid-April of each year.
Helping People with Intellectual Disabilities Drive-This is a major charity fundraiser to assist those with intellectual disabilities in the Coulee Region. This is an annual event around the end of April.
Free Throw Contest- This is an annual event held in the January time frame and is open for 9-14 year old boys and girls. Winners from each boys and girls age group compete to progress to the District and State levels.
Soccer Challenge- This is an annual event held in the August time frame and is open for 9-14 year old. Winners from each boys and girls age group compete to progress to the District and State levels.
Father John Rossiter